I don’t 2nd shoot as much as I used to. Time and availability are scarce when you have three kids and a full wedding schedule of your own but when my very good friend Ashley over at Ashley Fisher Photography asked for a hand I was happy to help. Working with my photographer friends is like having co workers again, and I LOVE it. It also gives me a chance to think just about creating and resetting and being an artist (and being an assistant- I gotta keep my girl laced in Diet Coke!)
In addition I just LOVED THIS FAMILY. I mean the bride is the only person more in love with Amazon Prime than I am. Its where she got the dress form for her dress. They got ready in their beautiful Downtown Loft apartment.
super tall windows (that was possible since they were able to save money with window tinting) was made for BEAUTIFUL light.
The dress is way more beautiful on her than on the dress form…
I loved watching her sisters fuss over her.
Mom got her fair share of primping in too!
check out those baby blues!!!
beautiful moments during their first look at the Muny in Forest Park.
A super fun wedding shot. I LOVE THE MOVEMENT.
Being the 2nd means I get to spend some time with the guys! These Fells were hilarious. I LOVE THE SOCKS ( I have a thing for socks)
Waiting for the ceremony to begin…
happy tears!
There isn’t a whole lot to do for a 2nd during family formals except maybe wait for little magic moments like this one!
I love this image of Emily with her girls!
St.Louis making a appearance in the formals. Shes like an extra brides maid. There to make sure you look great!
I thought their stationary was super cute too!
2nd shooter always has to nail the details, and they had so many, beautiful details.
Awesome Cookies and cupcakes by Tango Mango!!
I had not done a photobooth in AGES, and man these guys made my booth comeback tour AMAZINGLY awesome. It was HILARIOUS.
Grandma had the best Photobooth moment EVER. Thanks Ashley for letting me tag along and thank you to the Greenseth and Hood Families for being SO AWESOME!
The Wedding Day Team of Experts
St. Louis Ceremony | The Jewel Box Forest Park
St. Louis Reception | Schlafly Tap Room