They met at a bus stop. I love to hear Jeremy tell the story, he’s quiet and reserved until he starts talking about her. Then he just smiles. They just fit together. They both lived in the same apartment complex in Columbia Missouri – while attending University of Missouri, so we decided to do the session there. A Mizzou Engagement session seemed so fitting! They won this weekend too – GO TIGERS!!!! He said Brittani was laughing with a couple of her roommates and he asked a mutual friend who she was. He says at the moment he saw her smile he just knew. They played friend telephone, you know So and so says Jeremy’s thinks your cute. Only one problem – Who’s Jeremy?!? It took her a week to figure out which guy was THE GUY, once she figured it out it was just a matter of timing. After a few missed encounters and interruptions, Jeremy almost gave up. Late October 2008, President Obama came to mizzou to speak before the election and Brittani was waiting in the long line by herself at Speaker Circle. Jeremy finally came over and introduced himself. That was the “official” number exchange. She said it was the pretty smile, and his beautiful chocolate skin that did her in, she couldn’t play hard to get anymore. This post is sort of long cause I loved SO many of their images, and I always get attached to sessions where my husband comes to assist, THANK YOU BABY!!
the famous bus stop…
I love that dimple.
clearly so does he =0)
so excited for your day! Thank you so much for driving to CoMo with us!