Time is usually on our side for engagement sessions, but with Tim and Cora who found me at the Busch Stadium Bridal Show, for their Busch Stadium Wedding time was not something we had in abundance. We ended up shooting their session roughly a week before the wedding! Not that it mattered much they were so calm and relaxed. We had the chance to find out some personal tidbits to make there engagement session really all about them, and we were able to create some really sweet moments between them at one of their (and my) favorite breakfast spots in St. Louis, Half and Half. (Try the… honestly try anything everything there is delicious) We also spent a bit of time in Tower Grove Park, it was such a beautiful day and since we knew we were gonna be in the stadium all day on the wedding day we did a little graffiti/urban portraiture as well! Thank you so much for enjoying the day with me! We’ll be posting the wedding next!