So, if I a being honest. Rodney is my brother. (like you can’t tell looking at us) I’ve never had the pleasure of really taking his picture, and so when I had a little time and the equipment out i had him and his boyfriend Tony, come out and play with me a little bit.
My brother is special, and not like sarcastically special. Like genuinely an awesome person. He’s so talented, and so much personality and light. He’s such a GREAT uncle, he always has time and energy for my kids. He stops by and does the classic uncle moves. The random handful of change, pocket full of candy, the forbidden soda pop all become OK when uncle Rocky comes by. And he always has time for me. He knows me like very few people on this earth and is not scared to call me on my BS, and is always there when I need him. He’s been out and open about who he is since he was 15 or so. And if you know anything about the black community that’s not like a little thing. Our family has always been about love, and I am so grateful for that because I know so many other people who don’t have a safe place to be themselves. And I love who my brother is. I often introduce him as my gay brother because I am so very proud of the fact that its not a secret and its just part of who he is. That we don’t have the kinds of secrets or hiding that limit how families love each other. (And I’m always trying to hook him up on a blind date- I’ve not found anyone while he was single though..)
He’s been with Tony for a while now and one day I expect I will shoot my brothers wedding, once Missouri comes to its senses and makes gay weddings legal (although with gay marriage recognized on a federal level I expect I will shoot way more of those in the coming years) I wouldn’t be surprised or disappointed if uncle Tony becomes a permanent fixture in our family. Tony is so calm vs my brothers onslaught of energy. Ironically the best images that show their dynamic are in the outtakes, maybe I’ll post them should I post their wedding pics one day.